Found in the Somme Valley stones which very roughly resemble animals.
RISING ABRUPTLY ABOVE THE ZINC VILLAGE Lay the first of the great hills, with its open front cut into great terraces, on which the men clung 1234
O du, Geliebte meiner siebenundzwanzig Sinne, ich liebe dir! -Du deiner dich dir, ich dir, du mir. -Wir?
BIG BULRY POLICEMEN And small sweeps at every corner, providing safe crossing 123
IN ANOTHER MOMENT YOU ARE RIDING IN LONDON Riding through the never-ending restlessness of its streets in a cab, with your hat-box safe beside you 123
Every drawing can be understood as a motion study since it is a path of motion recorded by graphic means. 123
SHIRTS & COLLARS We celebrate a sale in Suspenders today that will appeal to men of good taste who do not object to saving £1.2bn
Wanneer de pen zich langwerpig toespitst, weet iedereen dat een geestelijke bliksem haar vlammend zal ontspringen. 1800
Wanneer de pen zich langwerpig toespitst, weet iedereen dat een geestelijke bliksem haar vlammend zal ontspringen. 1800
RISING ABRUPTLY ABOVE THE ZINC VILLAGE Lay the first of the great hills, with its open front cut into great terraces, on which the men clung 1234
The free lecture course of the Field Museum of Natural History will be held in the Art Institute
The free lecture course of the Field Museum of Natural History will be held in the Art Institute
SOUND SWEET MELODIES Music is the source of our social pleasures: it soothes violent impulses in man, it dignifies ceremony 39
O du, Geliebte meiner siebenundzwanzig Sinne, ich liebe dir! -Du deiner dich dir, ich dir, du mir. -Wir?
Plateau Five aims for a combination of the two seemingly antagonistic terms of individual expression embodied by calligraphy and removal of signature by utilising rigid geometry.
Ja, wanneer zij wil, niet wanneer jij wil. Dan, als ze glijdt, dicht ze en jij leest haar woorden en zij wekken bij jou nieuwe tekens op. En verder glijdt de pen, niet zoals jij dat wil, maar zoals zij dat vermag, verder dan jij het vermoedt, en er ontstaan ganse woordbeelden, waarvan je niet weet wie of wat ze zijn, tot een woord ontvlamt en je geest in andere regionen leidt.
The neighboring estate of Satigny, distant seven hundred meters from the ferme du Bois, was owned by an elder branch of the family Bouvray; there had been a lordy house there since the sixth century and the chàteau had belonged to the Bouvray family since 1400.
His interactive works have been exhibited worldwide at the Pompidou Center, Ars Electronica, ICC Museum, DeCordova Museum, Boston Museum of Science, and at MIT.
The neighboring estate of Satigny, distant seven hundred meters from the ferme du Bois, was owned by an elder branch of the family Bouvray; there had been a lordy house there since the sixth century and the chàteau had belonged to the Bouvray family since 1400.
The neighboring estate of Satigny, distant seven hundred meters from the ferme du Bois, was owned by an elder branch of the family Bouvray; there had been a lordy house there since the sixth century and the chàteau had belonged to the Bouvray family since 1400.
The neighboring estate of Satigny, distant seven hundred meters from the ferme du Bois, was owned by an elder branch of the family Bouvray; there had been a lordy house there since the sixth century and the chàteau had belonged to the Bouvray family since 1400.
The neighboring estate of Satigny, distant seven hundred meters from the ferme du Bois, was owned by an elder branch of the family Bouvray; there had been a lordy house there since the sixth century and the chàteau had belonged to the Bouvray family since 1400.
The neighboring estate of Satigny, distant seven hundred meters from the ferme du Bois, was owned by an elder branch of the family Bouvray; there had been a lordy house there since the sixth century and the chàteau had belonged to the Bouvray family since 1400.
His interactive works have been exhibited worldwide at the Pompidou Center, Ars Electronica, ICC Museum, DeCordova Museum, Boston Museum of Science, and at MIT.
Now these Batta, Easter Island and Hawaiian heads bring forward some other most interesting problems. No such heads are found in America. And why not? If their makers belong to one family, it implies either that formerly the land connections between Sumatra, Easter Island and Hawaii were
THE VILLAGE WAS EMPTY, EXCEPT FOR THE FAMILIES OF Native workmen and the ownerless dogs, the scavengers of the colony, that snarled and barked and ran leaping in front of the ponies’ heads 1234
Plateau Five is constructed and theoretical as Schmidt Grotesque or alfabet, whereas a serif face asks for more compromise in the variety of used forms and must eventually fail to fulfil the intended outset. When designing Futura with the intention to avoid historicism and apply his utopian vision of typography, even Renner compromised by using ancient roman proportions for its capital letters.
Plateau Five is constructed and theoretical as Schmidt Grotesque or alfabet, whereas a serif face asks for more compromise in the variety of used forms and must eventually fail to fulfil the intended outset. When designing Futura with the intention to avoid historicism and apply his utopian vision of typography, even Renner compromised by using ancient roman proportions for its capital letters.
Base Character Set |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | a | b |
c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p |
q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |
Numerals |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Punctuation |
. | , | : | ; | … | ! | ¡ | ? | ¿ | · | • | * | # | / |
\ | ( | ) | { | } | [ | ] | - | – | — | _ | ‚ | „ | “ |
” | ‘ | ’ | « | » | ‹ | › | " | ' |
Symbols |
€ | ¢ | ¤ | $ | £ | ¥ | + | − | × | ÷ | = | ≠ | > | < |
≥ | ≤ | ± | ≈ | ~ | ^ | % | ‰ | @ | & | ¶ | § | © | ® |
™ | ° | | | † | ‡ |
Accented |
Á | Ă | Â | Ä | À | Ā | Ą | Å | Ã | Ć | Č | Ç | Ċ | Ď |
Đ | É | Ě | Ê | Ë | Ė | È | Ē | Ę | Ğ | Ģ | Ġ | Ħ | Í |
Î | Ï | İ | Ì | Ī | Į | Ķ | Ĺ | Ľ | Ļ | Ł | Ń | Ň | Ņ |
Ñ | Ó | Ô | Ö | Ò | Ő | Ō | Ø | Õ | Ŕ | Ř | Ŗ | Ś | Š |
Ş | Ș | Ŧ | Ť | Ţ | Ț | Ú | Û | Ü | Ù | Ű | Ū | Ų | Ů |
Ẃ | Ŵ | Ẅ | Ẁ | Ý | Ŷ | Ÿ | Ỳ | Ź | Ž | Ż | á | ă | â |
ä | à | ā | ą | å | ã | ć | č | ç | ċ | ď | đ | é | ě |
ê | ë | ė | è | ē | ę | ğ | ģ | ġ | ħ | ı | í | î | ï |
ì | ī | į | ķ | ĺ | ľ | ļ | ł | ń | ň | ņ | ñ | ó | ô |
ö | ò | ő | ō | ø | õ | ŕ | ř | ŗ | ś | š | ş | ș | ŧ |
ť | ţ | ț | ú | û | ü | ù | ű | ū | ų | ů | ẃ | ŵ | ẅ |
ẁ | ý | ŷ | ÿ | ỳ | ź | ž | ż |
Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A |
Æ | Ð | Ŋ | Œ | Þ | æ | ŋ | œ | þ | ß | ð |